Everyone looks in their crystal ball to try to figure out where things are headed when a new year starts. I’ve pulled my crystal ball out of the closet and put together my thoughts for where marketing is headed in 2014. Feel free to add your own thoughts.
- Big Data will begin to play a bigger role in how companies decide where they will focus their marketing. Look at top trends for 2014 – http://www.informationweek.com/strategic-cio/executive-insights-and-innovation/big-data-in-2014-top-technologies-trends/d/d-id/1113092
- Look for new marketing platforms to become popular and others to drop off. Have Facebook and Twitter peaked? (Current top social media sites – http://social-networking-websites-review.toptenreviews.com/ ) Look for platforms that are simple, easy to use, and have robust functionality with smart phones and ipads like Pinterest, SnapChat and Instagram to continue to gain in popularity. What other new sites will gain in popularity? Look at http://www.forbes.com/sites/jaysondemers/2013/09/24/the-top-7-social-media-marketing-trends-that-will-dominate-2014/2/ for some additional thoughts.
- Continued transition from use of social media sites to drive awareness of brand and product to use of sites to actually drive sales. Companies will look for ways to convert sales and justify dollars spent on social media. http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2320367/5-Social-Media-Advertising-Trends-to-Watch-for-in-2014
- Continued move to find more robust analytics to track data so that companies know how to use their marketing dollars more wisely. How about 5 analytics resolutions – http://www.informationweek.com/big-data/big-data-analytics/5-analytics-resolutions-for-2014/d/d-id/1113283 .
- Bigger may no longer be better. It depends on what you’re selling. Look for companies to use “surgical” advertising through target specific niche social media sites rather than mass random advertising through Facebook size sites. Niche sites may change the landscape of how companies think about advertising – http://blog.sgrouples.com/new-social-networking-sites/
- The website isn’t dead. Look for companies to continue to refine how users access their websites so that they are as user friendly as possible making sure they meet the needs of various age groups who purchase their products all why keeping SEO in mind. Things to think about for 2014 – http://www.modernmarketingpartners.com/blog/8-marketing-faux-pas-to-avoid-in-2014#.UsNplbSFf1B
- Companies will need to think of their marketing plans as cohesive long term plans. Each social media, web, or traditional marketing piece will need to be tied into the overall branding and long term goals of the company. A consistent message and branding becomes more important as companies with similar types of products must find new ways to rise above the “noise” of their competition and differentiate themselves from their competitors.
2014 should be a challenge for marketers everywhere. The focus will be on accountability for return on marketing dollars invested, harnessing ways to use big data, maintaining cohesive branding using diverse social media platforms, and maximizing return with limited resources. It will be the year where innovation meets consistency.
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