Maybe one morning you look in the mirror and you’re not sure where you are in life; or where you should be headed. What happens when you lose your rudder, your focus, your direction. What do you do if you all of a sudden don’t know what direction you should go. It can happen in your personal life or in your career. Sometimes it is an instant awakening. Other times it is something that nags at you buried in the back of your brain. Either way, what do you do when one morning you realize you’ve lost your direction?
1. Am I really lost? Not sure where you are doesn’t necessarily mean you are lost. You may be in the process of working through some focus issues or maybe you’re in the process of setting new goals. If you are actively thinking about where you need to be then you aren’t lost.
2. Where should I be? That’s always a good question. At any given moment in your life you’re at a certain location on your life’s map. If you are able to see the big picture (your life’s map), think of what direction you would like to go. You don’t need to figure out at the moment how to get there. You just need to think about where you should be.
3. What direction should I be going? This part is all about which direction you should be facing to get to where you think you should be. Maybe you are turned around. In that case you need to take time to figure out a new direction to move in. Remember there are many great locations to go on your personal map.
4. Maybe it’s alright that I’m lost for the moment. You don’t need to be too hasty to move in a new direction. If you don’t have the commitment to move or the tools to move in a new direction, sometimes remaining lost for the moment might not be that bad. Just make sure you realize this isn’t where you want to remain permanently.
5. Don’t panic. Never panic. There is always time to make changes and find a new direction. A calm attitude will help you work through the decision making process more quickly and thoughtfully. Panic can cause you to lose sight of the big picture.
6. How’d I get here? Sometimes it’s helpful to think about how you got where you currently are. Have you made steady improvements, have you made random jumps and twists, or have you made a steady decline in your quality of life. Reviewing the path you took to get to where you currently are, might shed some light on how to get to where you want to be.
7. Do I need a paddle or a motor? After you’ve reviewed your situation you need to think about what it might take to move in a new direction. Decide whether a hasty escape plan is needed or whether a slow methodical plan is the best approach. Hasty plans should only be undertaken in emergency situations. Remember changes normally don’t happen overnight.
8. Should I abandon ship? Sometimes you’re stuck doing things that just aren’t affecting you in a positive manner. Goals you’re currently working towards might be realistically unattainable at the current moment; a job or personal relationship might be a toxic mix for you right now; or a dream you’re fixated on might be draining you of energy you need to live a more positive day to day existence. Then maybe it’s time to abandon the ship. Keep in mind though, that abandoning a ship doesn’t mean you can’t come back to that ship at sometime n the future.
People struggle with where they are and where they should be headed at many different points in their lives. Look on those moments as times of self discovery. Your journey in life isn’t always linear, but it’s important to make sure you are continuing to move forward on that journey. It’s all about visiting the places on your life’s map that are worth exploring.
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