All of us dream about how our lives could change in some way. We’re always looking for something better. We think our neighbor across the street has the life we want: two kids, new car, neat house, and the perfect job. We wish our lives would change, but we don’t know how to embrace change. We initially think that a simple wish will make things change. When that doesn’t happen, rather than embracing a path to make changes occur, most of us just continue to dream about those life changes, assuming that they’re unattainable. We just stay put where we are and don’t initiate any real change in our lives. We choose instead to maintain our current situation and continue to dream about other people who live the “perfect life”. Maybe as humans, “the dreaming” is our way to improve our lives without really taking any actions to improve them? We live better lives vicariously through others actions. We settle for the dream of a better life style, accepting the safety and comfort that our own inaction brings, rather than taking change head on. But it is a restless comfort that leaves us unhappy in the long run. So then, let me ask, what would it take to embrace change?
1. Change takes energy. We would need to put in some energy to carry out change, more energy than we currently exert in our current lifestyle.
2. Change takes focus. We would need to focus our attention on the changes we want to make.
3. Change takes goal setting. To get change rolling, we would have to set a goal or goals. We would have to set an end point on where we want to go.
4. Change is about breaking old habits. We can’t stick with our current habits. Certain habits would need to be broken to make changes happen.
5. Change takes realizing who we are. We need to understand who we are and what types of change we can handle. Do we currently possess characteristics necessary to carry out a change process?
6. Change takes understanding what we want. What do we really want? We must be able to write it down and verbalize it so we really understand what it is we are trying to attain.
7. Change takes understanding our abilities. What current abilities can we draw on to make the changes? Do we have the right personal tools: education, experience, drive?
8. Change takes looking inside ourselves to determine where we need to improve. We need to to be open to self criticism and evaluation.
9. Change is about striving to learn. We have to be willing to learn, learn new concepts, new ideas, and new ways of doing things.
10. Change is about being open minded. We have to be open to new ways of looking at things and embrace the idea that there are other ways to do things than the way we have been doing them.
Change is all about embracing a new lifestyle one in which we consciously decide to focus our time and energies on moving in a new direction of our own choosing. We must grasp that the same old complacency is no longer acceptable. Change isn’t for everyone. But, if you’re going to take the time to make changes you might as well take the steps to fully embrace change.
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