Giving Credit (kudos in the workplace) for a job well done at work is all about acknowledging the accomplishments of your staff and co-workers in the proper way. It can almost be as important as giving a raise. Some thoughts on avoiding pitfalls:
- You’re the boss you don’t need to take the credit, you need to give credit. Whenever possible share the credit for a job well done.
- Make the kudos sincere or don’t make them at all. People can see through insincerity. Make it count by being sincere.
- Make sure to give kudos to everyone who worked on a successful project or came up with a great idea. Make sure to give recognition to all employees, both big and small contributors, involved on a project. Leaving out a deserving employee can create ill will.
- Give credit in a way each employee wishes to receive it. This can be difficult to determine sometimes. Great options on how to acknowledge an employee include:
- Gift cards;
- Verbal praise;
- a personal note;
- monthly employee awards;
- recognition in front of the rest of the staff; or
- a special staff lunch.
Usually a combination of a personal one on one recognition and a group recognition is the best.
5. Don’t give out credit to those who don’t deserve it. This may seem harsh. But you don’t want to spread your kudos lightly. Giving praise when it isn’t warranted can cause you to lose credibility with the rest of the staff.
As a leader the eyes are on you as to how you will handle any situation. It is important for you to take the high road. This includes making sure proper acknowledgement of accomplishments is given. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around does it still make noise? In this instance no. You need to make others aware of the employee’s accomplishment. But, make sure you give the praise to the right person in the right manner.
Next up – Maintaining Focus
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