When it comes to handling people, managers should strive for consistency. Everyone likes to know where they stand in specific situations. We know it’s always easier going over to a sister’s or brother’s house to celebrate a birthday, then it is to go to a party we’re invited to by a host or hostess we met just a week ago. At the birthday party, good or bad, we know what to expect. With the other party we are faced with the fear of uncertainty. Everyone wants to be at ease in their environment. It’s no different in the work place. When it comes to the work place, managees want to know:
1. How they will be treated in the workplace;
2. That they will be treated consistently; and
3. What part they will be expected to play in the process.
Managers should keep these three concerns in mind when working with managees. There are 5 areas that mangers should focus on to develop consistency in working with managees.
1. Understand managee differences – People are motivated differently. Each person has unique ways in how they like to be:
a. communicated with;
b. praised; and
c. rewarded.
Make sure to take the time to understand each person’s unique characteristics. Taking the time to assess a managee’s traits early on will help you to work better with the managee. There are many tools you can use to help you assess a mangee’s strengths, traits, and weaknesses, DiSC http://www.discprofile.com/ and Myers Briggs http://www.teamtechnology.co.uk/tt/t-articl/mb-simpl.htm are just two tests that can help you assess a managee. Once you have assessed a managee’s personality traits, write down steps you will take when dealing with that managee that focus on that person’s unique traits. As you build and deal with that person notate what has worked and what hasn’t. Try to be consistent in how you manage that person and make fine tuned adjustments as necessary.
2. Communication – Regularly communicate with managees. Set a regular schedule, weekly is good, and the meeting doesn’t need to be long. Let them know when they are doing a good job, what they can do to improve, and what the goals are that you have for them. Putting this in writing is best so both you and the managee can see the process in action.
3. Fairness – a manager must treat each managee with the same level of respect. Do not play favorites when it comes to basic interaction. But remember a workplace is just that and certain people will be given perks based on their performance within the company. Always make it clear to managees how and why a perk was given to a specific managee and what would need to be done for that managee to get the same perk or reward.
4. Follow through – managees have great memories especially when it comes to things that affect them. When you tell a mangee you will do something stick to that time table or explain what has caused a delay in completing what was promised. Always stick to the time table when scheduling managee reviews even if a raise isn’t in the picture.
5. Vision – a manager must keep an eye on the strategic goals and direction that the company has committed to achieve. Make sure to maintain those goals as part of the day to day instruction, mentoring, and guidance you give to the managees.
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