Recently some articles have come out that suggest that negative people might just be wired differently, that they have a predisposition towards negativity ( ). Whether or not we have a predisposition to a positive or negative outlook, I like to think that we can all vary where we want to be on the continuum of positive vs negative. On any given day depending on what events we face or how we feel we move along the negative/positive line and find a spot to sit for that day. We make a choice whether we choose to interact with that day negatively or positively. Here are some tips on how to set a positive direction for the day.
1. Prepare for the next day the night before. If there are any loose odds and ends you can get out of the way the night before do them. Charge your cell phone, decide what you’re going to wear the next day, put your handbag or brief case by the door, and write down notes to yourself on any tasks or errands you need to get done by the end of the day. This reduces distractions in the morning.
2. You set the tone for the day. Look in the mirror in the morning and say out loud “Today is going to be a great day!”.
3. Understand what can create negative situations for you. Decide in advance how you will handle those situations. Be prepared for angry customers, difficult family member discussions, and negative people you might come in contact with during the day. Then, mentally note how you will work through those situations in a positive manner in advance. The positive attitude you present can help craft a more positive outcome in any situation.
4. Set a morning routine. Maybe it includes reading the paper, having a cup of coffee, doing a cross word puzzle, or exercise. A regular routine, grounds you for the day and relaxes your mind putting it in the right frame to start the day.
5. Don’t let events negatively impact your overall mental attitude. You can’t determine what events you might encounter during the day, but you can decide how you will respond. Look at every event as a learning experience and do your best to handle it in the best positive way possible. An interesting article to think about is at
6. Set something to do at the end of the day to unwind and let your brain relax. Meditate, exercise, unwind in low key conversation, make a casual dinner. You need “you” time to relax and recharge.
7. Eat right and get regular sleep. This gives your mind and body the basis for maintaining a positive outlook.
Stay positive, enjoy the week and remember staying positive is all about you.
Want some additional ideas on how to stay positive, go to the following articles:
Next up – Work Ethic
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