As we age it is only human nature to look back and review, critique our life and how we lived it; rating the quality of that life. Do we look at our life as full of met goals or as a string of unfinished works in progress. Do we think we have lived a life fraught with a number of missed opportunities or one long string of opportunities fulfilled. Our thoughts determine the grade we give ourselves. Following are some thoughts to keep us grounded.
1. Positive thoughts determine the positive trajectory of our lives at any point in our lives. We are what we think we are.
2. Am I fulfilling my dreams or am I dreaming about my life’s fulfillment. Really both should be occurring at same time. You should be in the process of fulfilling your dreams while continuing to dream about the next step in your life’s fulfillment.
3. We are the true embodiment of our own spirit. So many people look at their glass of life trying to decide if it is half empty or half full. Why can’t we look at it and say yes it is full.
4. No regrets. There are so many things that happen in a person’s life. Maybe it is best to say we have lived our lives to the fullest. That no changes could have been made, that would have produced a better outcome.
5. There’s no way to comprehend if we should have made changes in our lives. Any changes that we would have made throughout our lives would have changed the trajectory of our whole life. Maybe it would have gone in a different direction. The potentially different direction is impossible to quantify and know. We can’t and shouldn’t dwell on the “what ifs”.
6. We should cherish and relish in the “What We Dids” and the time still left to do the “What We Dream of Doing”. Life is too short to waste time in the negative morass of “not done” and “done differently”.
Why can’t we say we’ve lived our lives, and that we’ve lived them fully; that we’ve taken the opportunities as they arose and made decisions correctly based on the facts at hand. Everybody lives their lives the way they were meant to be, that’s what living a full life is all about. It’s time we give ourselves credit for living life correctly.
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