How do you know when it’s the right time for an employment change. Is there a right time to move on to a new job. I think there are specific signs that tell you even before you realize. Some are more subtle; others jump out at you even if you aren’t prepared to notice. Ask yourself the following questions to see whether the time is right to switch jobs.
1. Do Sundays make you nervous and on edge? Do you find it hard to relax on Sundays because you are thinking about Monday knowing what is coming? It shouldn’t feel like you are waiting for an upcoming dentist appointment.
2. Do you always feel tense? No matter what time of the day or week it is, do you feel tense? Do you feel like you don’t belong in your skin? Think about what your mindset is while you’re at work and thinking about work.
3. Is the work place no longer fun? Sure you should be focused at work, motivated to get things done. However, you should have fun in what you’re doing and have fun with your fellow workers. If there is no fun or humor to be found, it may be time to move on.
4. Are you bored an hour into the day and ready to leave? Do you want to leave the minute you arrive? Does time stand still throughout the day or feel like it’s moving backward.
5. Are there no challenges in your job anymore? Are you no longer challenged by the work tasks you perform? It isn’t about tasks being too easy, it’s about whether you still enjoy the challenge of doing them that counts.
6. Do you feel like you’re caught in a spider’s web? Do you feel boxed in like you aren’t able to grow or learn in your current position? Are you restrained by the confines of your job and the day to day routine you work within?
7. Are you going through the motions? Do you find yourself with little or no motivation? Do you put in little or no effort with no desire to do the best job possible? You should find satisfaction and importance in your job.
8. Do you find you can’t remember why you’re at your job? Do you know what your purpose is in your current job? Why did you take the job in the first place? If that purpose doesn’t still apply, then maybe it is time to move on.
9. Have you lost sight of your goals? Can you still verbalize the goals you are striving for in life and does your current job help you in attaining those goals?
10. Do you feel like you’re taking up space in life? Are you counting the days until retirement and just keeping a seat warm until then? You should find accomplishment and substance in what you do.
How did you answer the above questions? Hopefully they started you thinking. Maybe your answers provided you with enough information to know that it’s time to start the process of finding another job. The longer you stay in a work situation that’s not the right fit, the more difficult it will be to transition into something you enjoy. It’s better to leave when you are motivated and energized, then to leave when you are discouraged and unmotivated.
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