For some people writing is a natural, necessary outlet. For others the act of writing is worse than getting a root canal. Basically, writing is just another way for people to communicate. So why do some people choose to write, while others avoid it at all costs? There are numerous other ways for people to communicate that are less time consuming. Some would say it’s a lot easier to physically find your audience and deliver your message verbally to them. Others would say that rather than writing it down, it’s just easier to save the energy and keep your thoughts to yourself. What is it about writing that appeals to certain people? In most instances, why a person writes is really a blend of a number of different reasons. Maybe it’s worth discussing for a moment why people choose writing as their way to communicate.
1. First and foremost, writing is about delivering a message. Writing is one of many options, people use to deliver a message. Sure there are other mediums available to deliver a message. But writing provides a simple format to create a message of substance that people can see, review, hold, and ponder.
2. Writing is a creative outlet. Writing allows a thought process to be transferred from one’s mind. Writing is a creative endeavor. It is an art form that results in the writer presenting his or her thoughts in a fixed medium, written words on a piece of paper.
3. Writing is a tangible way to communicate. Writing gives an audience a tangible multidimensional message, one they can hold onto , look at, and take in when they have time.
4. Writing allows a person to distance oneself from criticism. Written words eliminate verbal criticism that can otherwise occur when one is in the physical presence of others.
5. Writing allows a person to control interaction with an audience. Written rather than verbal presentation of a message, allows a writer to limit interaction with ones audience. The writer sets and controls the time and place for the message delivery.
6. Writing limits debate. Words on a page are fixed for all to see; there is nothing to debate nothing to change. The writer can choose not to be present when the message is delivered.
7. Writing is all about creating a finished product. Verbal dialogue is always a work in progress. Written words are a finished, finite project. Something written has a beginning, middle, and an end.
8. Writing meets the writer’s need for closure. Unlike verbal dialogue, when words are put down in writing, it’s complete. The writer strives for completeness. A writer likes to see a task completed, rather than the uncertain outcome brought on by verbal interaction.
9. Writing minimizes questions and challenges. Writers aren’t required to defend their position. If a writer has carefully crafted his or her words, then the words put down on paper speak for themselves. Nothing more is needed to defend the words.
10. Writing sidesteps the noise. A writer presents a message to an audience on that audience’s own terms. Writers provide a message in a unique format; one that allows the audience to receive it when they have the time to focus and take in the message.
Sure writing is initially about delivering a message. But in choosing writing as a medium for communicating a person also reveals much about who they are. Next time you write something, think about why you write. Maybe you want to avoid the closeness brought on by verbal dialogue, or you like the process of crafting a piece of written art. In the end, hopefully you’ll understand what it is about the act of writing that gives you enjoyment.
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